Fintech Zoom is an online platform and financial news website that focuses on providing up-to-date information and insights on financial markets, technology, business, and investment trends. Fintech Zoom covers a wide range of topics related to finance and technology, including stock market news, economic updates, cryptocurrency developments, fintech innovations, business news, and more. Here are […]

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In the C programming language, the “-ltr” argument is commonly used with the gcc compiler to link additional libraries when compiling a program. The argument “-ltr” instructs the compiler to link the “rt” (Real-Time Library) library, which provides functions for real-time processing and application programming. When compiling a C program using the gcc compiler, the […]

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If you suspect that someone may be accessing your iPhone remotely without your permission, there are several steps you can take to check for unauthorized access and enhance the security of your device: Check Recent Account Activity: Review your recent account activity, such as emails, messages, app logins, and financial transactions, to look for any […]

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